Natural Route Health

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Choose Nutrient Dense Foods!

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Choose Nutrient Dense Foods! With a wide variety of healthy food selections available at your local farmer’s markets there’s no reason not to choose foods that are highly nutritious. This week, I challenge you to include in your meals each day, one of the nutrient dense foods listed here.

  1. Avocado: a healthy source of fat, rich in vitamins and minerals, and a great source of lutein, which can help to protect against eye disease.

  2. Blueberries: high in antioxidants they help to fight disease-inducing free radicals in our body. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that anthocyanins (blue-red pigment found in blueberries) were protective against hypertension.

  3. Beans/Legumes: high in fiber as well as having a stabilizing effect on your blood sugar as they are digested slowly. Multiple studies have shown that beans may reduce the risk of colon cancer.

  4. Onion: a great source of flavonoid antioxidants, such as quercetin, they combat inflammation. They are also rich in organosulfur compounds, which help to suppress the growth of cancer cells.

  5. The last nutrient-dense food on my list is a spice: turmeric. A study published in the journal Neuroscience fed curcumin (an extract of turmeric) to rats with plaques in their brains and found that the curcumin improved spatial learning and memory.

The challenge is on: benefit your health by eating nutrient dense foods! ~Alanna