Natural Route Health

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Allergy Relief, Naturally

For many people seasonal allergies mark spring’s arrival in a very uncomfortable way.  The itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and living on nose spray and antihistamines can be downright miserable.

The good news is there is something you can do!  Dr. Elizabeth Brothers ND offers NAET (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Treatments) at Kingston Natural Route Health.  Dr. Elizabeth’s personal experience with NAET was what brought her to the field of naturopathic medicine.  NAET (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique), was developed 30 years ago by Dr. Devi Nambudripad MD, DC, LAc.  It uses a combination of medical theory with chiropractic and kinesiology, all with an underlying philosophy of Chinese medicine.  According to Chinese medicine theory, we each have a vital energy force that runs through our body, along specific pathways, or meridians.  There are 12 meridians in all, and when someone is healthy, the energy moves through these meridians without any problems.  But when problems arise, which they can do in any number of ways, illness occurs. 

According to NAET theory, an allergen is an unusual sensitivity to one or more substance, which blocks the smooth movement of the vital energy.  You can be allergic (not necessarily in the sense we normally think of allergies) to almost anything, including food, chemicals, things you breathe in, things you touch, and many more.  These allergies can show up in MANY different symptoms.  It can range from traditional allergies (itchy eyes, watery nose, and sneezing) to headaches, body aches and pain, asthma, digestive disturbances, hormonal issues, skin conditions, and many, many more.   

In NAET treatments, the energy of the body is adjusted to run smoothly, even in the presence of the offending item.  It basically resets the body to recognize that the object is ok to be in contact with.  To start with, a patient is treated for 15 basic items (one at a time).  For each item treated (eggs, for example), you have to avoid contact with that item for the next 25 hours.  This part can be tricky, but is crucial.  After these 15 items, more items are addressed if necessary. 

NAET is not considered a cure for allergies, but you may notice a significant reduction in symptoms after undergoing these treatments.  For more information on NAET, you can visit the website (  Dr. Devi has a variety of publications explaining NAET in detail and how it can help many different issues.  Currently there is a large study going on to evaluate the treatment of autism with NAET, which NAET has successfully helped in the past.

In Dr. Elizabeth’s practice, NAET is one of the tools that actually lets her get at the root of the problem, letting people notice relief very quickly.  If you have questions about NAET, or are curious if it could help you, we encourage you to come in for a free 15 minute consult with Dr. Elizabeth.