Natural Route Health

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When one door closes...

Three years ago, Dr. Andrea and I joined forces to create a Naturopathic medical clinic that strived to provide integrative, preventative, and empowered health care to our patients. With open hearts and lots of hard work we successfully reached our goal. We are both excited and saddened as the next step of the KNRH journey involves a major life change; one where Dr. Andrea pursues her career in farming and motherhood. 

I have been privileged to work with Dr. Andrea over the years. She has been a strong mentor and support to me both in practice and business. We have made a great team in establishing a solid KNRH foundation and I will greatly miss her. I look forward to watching her family and farm grow just as I look forward to the next steps of KNRH. 

To all of Dr. Andrea's patients, I am delighted to begin working with you. I would like to offer you a free introductory consultation so that we can meet each other and discuss your health goals going forward. 

Although KNRH will no longer run the True Weight program, we continue to assist patient's with their weight loss goals and nutritional foundation. We are passionate about empowering you and your health. 

We look forward to seeing you at KNRH!

Dr. Alanna